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The Roadmap Series IX: Mapping Vascular Health & The Endothelial Glyco

8th October | Discovered only in recent decades, the integrity of the endothelial glycocalyx (EGX) is being recognised as the key to optimal  vascular health. Since the vascular system supports every single organ and system in the body, we are excited to explore ways in which we can improve vascular health and the endothelial glycocalyx (EGX) in this Roadmap webinar. 

A little taster of what we’ll discuss:

The EGX is the first line of defence in every artery, vein, and capillary! A thin gel-like layer that lines the endothelium consisting  of a mesh of glycoproteins, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, and plasma proteins.

The EGX helps regulate vascular wall health through its ability to control the filtration of circulating substances, including low-density lipoproteins (LDL) to the endothelium. It can also help harbour enzymes such as superoxide dismutase that support antioxidant status to help protect the endothelium from oxidative damage. The EGX also supports signalling for nitric oxide production.

This next Roadmap is a must attend for any practitioner working with chronically inflamed clients, those with any cardiometabolic diagnosis and anyone with the desire to age better! 

We are thrilled to welcome Dr Kristi Morlan-Hughes, ND, IFMCP, FMCHC, who will be presenting this webinar, and as always hosted by, our head of education Tanya Borowski.

Join live on 8th October at 7:00 pm | Register here